Fungus on the feet: treatment with folk remedies

Footprints on the sandy shore

Anyone can get a fungus on their feet. The disease doesn't go away on its own - it needs treatment. Folk remedies will help cope with the problem. Learn how to treat fungus on your feet at home.

Fungus on the feet: symptoms, causes

Fungus is a disease caused by mycotic organisms. Often times, the infection affects the feet and then spreads to the nails.

The disease is easy to get infected - it is enough to go barefoot where there is already a fungus.

Most often, the infection occurs in public places - in a sauna, shower, pool. A humid environment is suitable for growing spores. Dander along with the fungus remains on floors, carpets, and even washcloths.

It's also easy to pick up mushrooms in a pedicure salon if the tools aren't sterile.

Feet without fungus by the pool

Symptoms of the appearance of fungus on the feet are different, depending on the type of infection. However, there are some common characteristics. I will tell you more about them.

In my practice, the most common symptoms of the appearance of fungus on the legs are:

  • constant itching on the skin of the feet, especially in the area between the toes;
  • unpleasant smell;
  • Changes in the color and structure of the toenails;
  • Peeling or thickening of the skin;
  • the appearance of small cracks and wounds;
  • Pain when walking;
  • the formation of bubbles with liquid.

If you notice such signs, I recommend that you consult a doctor so as not to harm your health, as medication may be required.

The causes of athlete's foot are different. Among them, my colleagues point out:

  • mechanical injury to nails and skin;
  • Poor quality shoes;
  • increased sweating;
  • Disruption of the immune and endocrine systems;
  • age-related changes (older people are more prone to fungal infection than children);
  • some diseases (diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders).

To avoid contracting the fungus, take care of your own shoes and maintain good hygiene when visiting public places.

This also applies at home: you can get infected from other family members. Under no circumstances should you use someone else's belongings.

Procedure for toenail care

How to treat athlete's foot with folk remedies

Start treating athlete's foot or nail fungus as soon as you feel the first symptoms, because the disease is easier to get rid of in the early stages.

Learn how to treat an infection at home. I recommend my patients to resort to the following therapies:

Foot baths with potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is a good disinfectant. Potassium permanganate trays help reduce itching and discomfort.

Prepare the product as follows: Dissolve 1 g of potassium permanganate (in granules) in 2 liters of warm water. The solution should be pale pink in color. Soak for 20 minutes.

Trays of soda and tea tree oil

The baking soda will soften the skin and the nail plate. And the tea tree disinfects and promotes healing of the affected areas.

Dissolve 3 tablespoons in 3 liters of warm water. l. Sparkling water. Soak for 20 minutes.

Then wipe the feet dry, treat the affected areas with a pumice stone or a special foot grater, and lubricate the skin with tea tree oil.

Vinegar bowls

Vinegar works well against athlete's foot and prevents it from multiplying. Therefore, baths with this tool will help you quickly forget about the problem. Take 9% table vinegar: it's more effective than cider and wine.

For a bath, mix water and vinegar in a ratio of 8: 1. Leave your feet in the bath for 20 minutes.

The effect of the procedure will be enhanced if you steam your legs and treat them with a pumice stone.

Celandine baths

The properties of celandine are encoded in its name. Hence, the plant helps fight the fungus between the toes.

First, prepare a decoction: 5 tbsp. l. Pour a liter of boiling water over the chopped celandine and let it steep for an hour. Dip your feet in a warm infusion and hold for 15 minutes.

Marigold baths

The medicinal plant has proven itself well against fungi, so baths of marigold flowers help wipe out the infection.

Do this: pour 200 g of dried marigold flowers with a liter of boiling water. Insist on 30-40 minutes. Then soak your feet in the warm broth. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes.

Please note that the information provided is for informational purposes only. In order to correctly choose the necessary methods of treating the fungus, I recommend going to the doctor's office.

In the fight against the fungus, it is important to carry out the procedures regularly - every day, until the infection is completely killed. After your bath, wipe your feet dry with a clean towel. Don't forget your shoes - treat them regularly with an antiseptic. My colleagues say that careful foot care is required to prevent the problem from recurring.

You learned how to get rid of athlete's foot using traditional medicine.